Monday, March 11, 2013

Night out with Ewha Buddies in Insadong

Ewha Peace Buddies- Night Out in Insadong
At Ewha they have this program called the Ewha Peace Buddies. Each of the exchange students have an Ewha student partnered with them to show them around and help them out while at Ewha. A few of the buddies took me and some other Hawaii people out to Insadong.

Insadong is known for a lot of traditional Korean shops and restaurants. For dinner we ate at a restaurant about a few minute walk from the subway exit. It was very traditional decor and atmosphere. We ate in a room in the back almost separate from the restaurant. It was very quiet and felt very private. 

Entrance to room we ate in.
This was one of the dishes our group ate. I am not too sure as to the name of it but it was a big hot place with rice, meat and some veggies that you mix all together and it comes somewhat crispy.

This was the dish out group at which consisted of samgyapsal which is pieces of pork and lettuce that you wrap together and put some kind of sauce of paste on the inside. We also has a pork soondubu soup and a kimchi pancake.

Soup and Samgyapsal
The Kimchi pancake was huge almost the size of a pizza. Even with a group of seven people we couldn't finish it.

Kimchi Pancake or also known as jun or pajun
Next Stop..The next place we went was call Ssamziegil. It is also located in Insadong and according to my buddy it is frequently visited by many couples. It is a really cute shopping area. There are a lot of small shops with one of a kind item. Also the building has amazing art done on walls and cute statue scattered though out the small plaza.

Also at the small plaza we got to dress up in Hanboks or traditional Korean clothing. It was more commercial not very fancy hanboks more for the fun and to play tourist then take photos in a sticker booth. The store is small so if you have a big group I believe 3 or 4 people max in a booth but it was pretty fun. For 5,000 you get a sheet of sticker pictures and it is located at second to the top floor of the plaza.

Front Entrance
Rose art ascending up the stairs

Dress up in Hanboks

Last Stop of the Night..
Some traditional Korean tea and snacks was our last stop of the night. It was a little pricey for tea around 7,000 won for a cup but it's something you can only do while in Korea so it was a nice experience. I chose the Yuzu tea which had pieces of yuzu fruit actually in the tea. It was a sweet tea and a yuzu is a fruit similar to an orange. We also had some rice cookie snack to go with our tea. Almost like a light rice crispy. Other tea that people with us tried were pomegranate which according to them tasted almost sweet and sour. Also there was a five taste tea which I was told was sweet tea as well.

This place just like the place we ate for dinner was also built in the same traditional korean house and had a very relaxing and peaceful atmosphere.

Traditional snack

Five taste Tea and Pomegranate

Yuzu Tea

Inside tea room

Outside area between main tea place and back rooms

Outside area between main tea place and back rooms

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