Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thanks Nature Cafe in Hongdae

Thanks Nature Cafe

The Thanks Nature Cafe is located on the main road in Hongdae is a cafe that is known for apparently having lambs or sheep at the cafe the guest can feed and play with. Someone had told me they usually have them during the warmer season and there were picture of the them around on the walls so I assume they should be coming back soon.

The cafe had a really homey feel and it wasn't too crowded when we went. It had a modern feel to it with lots of different art pieces on the wall but still a some what green feel with lots of tree decorations around as well.

Drinks Menu
It was pretty unique and they had a lot of different drinks but the waffle looked the best. I think they had a few small sandwiches and a few other things to eat as well. Even our Americano came in a cool milk bottle looking glass. The waffle was a Belgian waffle with strawberries, blueberries and ice cream. It was a winter seasonal item according to the menu.
Iced Americano
Mixed Berry Waffle

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